Case Studies

Fintech firm developing data driven products for their customers

Discover how Optiblack helped Blenheim Chalcot India deliver data-driven fintech products on time, saving a critical project from failure. Explore the impact of their strategic partnership.


Bleinheim Chalcot India is an Indian arm of UK's leading digital Venture Builder, Blenheim Chalcot.
They serve millions of users with their portfolio of fintech products


Bleinheim Chalcot was looking for specialised human resources with the know how of power apps, power-automate Microsoft technology to do a mission critical delivery for their clients.
Bleinheim Chalcot was aware that Optiblack specialises in providing tech and product talent that will help them get the required resource to deliver the product
Optiblack was involved and assigned task to help Bleinheim Chalcot with delivering the product on time.
It was a strategic company priority to get the correct tech resources on time to deliver the projects, the entire HR team was looking to get the resource as not bringing one would had derailed the project and improved the risk element, we turned towards Optiblack as they specialise in product and tech resources which delivers on time
- Anand Serrao, HR, Bleinheim Chalcot


Optiblack understood the requirements of delivering the project on time and getting the resource in Bombay office of Bleinheim Chalcot in 1 week
Optiblack had only 1 week to deliver the resource
Optiblack followed the "Who" framework of resource identification and allocation. Optiblack searched and delivered the critical resource who can join the Bleinheim Chalcot team
Optiblack got the critical resource in under 1 week, got the resource to join the team and made it reach Bombay on time.
Optiblack went over and beyond to understand the real requirements on making it the correct resource and understanding the criticality of the product developed
The complexity is high because the resource had to tick multiple factors and process before started working on the project due to critical requirements of the business of Bleinheim Chalcot
Optiblack delivered us the product and tech resources on time, this saved a big project turning into failure at a time when everyone was on holidays
-Anand Serrao, Bleinheim Chalcot


Bleinheim Chalcot could deliver the projects on time and build the finance heavy and data driven products

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