Case Studies

Garde-Robe using data to make your shopping easier, fun and healthy

Garde-Robe launched an app with Optiblack's help, implementing analytics for user behavior insights, leading to a successful launch and investor dashboard creation.


Garde-Robe lets you shop online with your friends.


Garde-Robe was launching an app and they were bringing a new idea of doing shopping online socially with friends together, thus it became critical for them to understand how the user is adopting the app.
Another challenge was that the app was built on Bubble No-Code and they were looking to incorporate Product Analytics tool like Mixpanel to be part of the tracking mechanism
Garde-Robe started looking for someone who can solve this problem
Garde-Robe initially talked to Mixpanel experts but they wanted someone who has done this before, worked with No-Code tools and also work with their tech team to implement it correctly
The Mixpanel experts recommended Optiblack fitting the bill and Garde-Robe reached out to Optiblack to help them launch the app with analytics
Quote from client describing the problem
We wanted the app to launch with analytics, as our product is innovative, we were looking for a analytics partner to work with to help us design the system that will tell us how users were behaving inside the application, deliver on time for us as we could not change the launch date
-Sarah Findlay, Founder, Garde-Robe
Garde-Robe was looking for
  • Product Market Fit metrics
  • Virality metrics
  • Quick ratio
  • Reach
  • Engagement
  • Revenue
  • Growth
  • Retention metrics
  • User Journey
The current systems were not giving them this data and it was not working for them


Garde-Robe initiated talks with Optiblack to understand how this will work and what is the solution
Optiblack has delivered before for entrepreneurs launching on time and also on apps built on no-code tools
Optiblack got Garde-Robe started on Insight Accelerator program that will help them implement the systems in place to get the insights on time.
Optiblack worked with Founder, their off-shore tech team to understand how the product was developed and how No-Code tool Bubble works, the Bubble No-Code app has a Mixpanel integration plugin but it was not able to work
Optiblack started with objective session to understand how the app works and how analytics will make it work for them. We also understood where and how the integration will work with Bubble No Code App
Optiblack prepared an analytics plan for Garde-Robe to generate insights, this will help them to answer all the questions they were looking answers for, this involved 50+ data points to capture and 15+ events at various stages
One of the innovation we brought was to leverage Bubble and Mixpanel to make them work together in a seamless manner
Before the launch we got the events ready and Garde-Robe was getting traffic which they were able to track. Garde-Robe also went viral on TikTok in November to make shopping easier
They were able to track users sticking to app and who is leaving so they can understand stickiness of the product
People started inviting their friends and Garde-Robe could identify who is inviting whom and friends with whom
They saw influx from 1600+ Cities and 100+ Countries
Quick Ratio is defined by: (New User + Resurrected User) / Dormant User
A number more than 1 is good
I wish I had all partners like Optiblack, they were the perfect partners to help us launch, build analytics and help us drive the data based decisions
-Sarah Findlay, Founder, Garde-Robe


Garde-Robe did a successfull launch with all the analytics in place, got the objectives what they wanted and created an investor dashboard for investors to look at and invest in Garde-Robe

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