Case Studies

Redesigning backend to save time by 40%

Redesigning backend at leads to a 40% time-saving boost in productivity through interface changes and smart automations.



Problem has a vertical that collects, manages the new projects. The new projects backend used to collect to a tune of 150+ data points for a project to manage and show it correctly.
With the large number of data points, needed a way to make the properties  go live faster.


Breakthrough Solution

Vishal did the flow analysis technique to identify how the backend can be visually structured to do the job quickly.
This involved making the backend friendly to the user and then doing the required interface changes
With overhaul interface change and smart automations we were able to reduce the processing time.



The amount of time spent on backend reduced by 30-40% for an individual executive, with about 50 member team this increased the overall productivity.e

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